Saturday, January 28, 2017

I'd Like To Hear Some Funky Dixieland...

The Invisible Whitmanian Republic will survive the Trump debacle.

The Broken Covenant

Here's what ensued:

Read about it here:

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Liberals cannot fix a system that they refuse to acknowledge is broken.

Probably the best thing to do at this point is to pour yourself a nice glass of this pinot noir and watch how things unfold. Sign all the on-line petitions you want; express your righteous outrage wherever; but so long as Neo-Liberalism is in the saddle, we are lost--no matter who is in the White House or Congress or the Judiciary, for that matter.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

Plutocracy With A Human Face

"While I will grant you that Barack Obama's 'plutocracy with a human face' is a more aesthetically pleasing alternative than Donald Trump's 'troglodyte plutocracy,' neither represents the res publica I hold in my heart and, in my view, neither merits celebration or eulogy. Even though the Whitmanian Republic was still-born, it has my undying allegiance. The Whitmanian Republic is dead; long live the Whitmanian Republic!"

~ Malamati Renegado

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Despite the recent hype, Pittsburgh remains a city stuck in second gear.

Friday, January 6, 2017

WTF With Marc Maron - Bruce Springsteen Interview (01/02/2017)

The Sense Of Beauty

From the beginning to the end of our perceptive and imaginative activity, we are synthesizing the material of experience into unities the independent reality of which is beyond proof, nay, beyond the possibility of a shadow of evidence. And yet the life of intelligence, like the joy of contemplation, lies entirely in the formation and inter-relation of these unities.

~ George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty, 190.