Friday, October 19, 2018

Raise The Red Flag!

If ever there was a time in American history that a pendulum swing to the political left was needed, that time is now. And I mean a hard left. No more of the tepid bourgeois liberalism that the Democratic Party serves up when it's not war-profiteering and colluding with the neo-fascists to gut every advance the American people made between the New Deal and the Great Society. No more Chuck Schumer-Mitch McConnell b.s. We need all hands on deck leaning to the port side, and we need to hang these scurvy dogs from the yardarms:

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Reagan Revanchement

As the Reagan Revanchement rolls on and the progress towards greater economic security enjoyed by ordinary Americans as the result of social programs instituted on the Federal and State levels continues to come under attack by politicians, I thought it might be helpful to review some, um, data for a change...