Thursday, June 30, 2016

American Politics In The 21st Century

A disturbingly large percentage of the voting public in the U.S. believes that politics boils down to a contest between the Red team and the Blue team. The voter's job is simply to decide which team s/he wishes to join and then to cast ballots for that team.

But that's not what American politics is about in the 21st century. Collusion between the Red team and Blue team establishments has resulted in a rigged system. Consequently, the American electorate has a new job: to wake up to the corruption that has compromised the system and to recognize that the "game" is now to defeat those who want us to continue to believe that the Red v. Blue game is still a legitimate contest.

Contrary to what the political establishments of both "teams" would have us believe, the task this November is not to defeat Donald Trump. The task is to defeat BOTH Trump AND Clinton. The task is to dismantle the system itself.

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